Sunday, January 27, 2013


So I've been at a stand-still for the past few weeks with the apartment decorating. I blame this on winter making me want to stay in all the time and also because of funds, but I'm ready to start back up again. Our walls are still completely bare and I'm beyond ready to put some holes in them. I'm pretty much set on where everything is going to go, so that just leaves me with the dilemma of the window above the fireplace.

From day one in our apartment.

We purchased a really nice TV for our Christmas present, but the huge windows create somewhat of a nasty glare. So, one day about four weeks ago, I came home from work and discovered this:

Notice the part where I wrote that I had been at work when this Alma Mater window covering had been hung up; Mark knows I'm way too picky.

As you can see, we've digressed back to our college apartment days. So, since I'm not a fan of the Texas Tech drapes but I don't want there to be a glare on the TV, I've been racking my brain for ideas on how to cover (or partially cover) the window. I know that doesn't seem like such a big task, but as I mentioned earlier I'm very picky. I don't like valances, and I didn't like the idea of hemming really short curtains because of how they might look hanging next to long curtains (for the windows on the side) when open. Like I said: picky. Then I saw this picture and the wheels started turning:

Look at how pretty that is! YHL is definitely onto something. I never wanted to cover up the window completely so this seems like a perfect idea, plus the mirror will hopefully make the room look bigger while blocking out some of the glare. Since I get tunnel vision a lot I started looking for basically the exact same mirror but with no luck. I started to give up hope on finding a mirror and then I started browsing on Target's website.

Good ol' Targét! Fifteen inches round and only forty big ones! Plus it also solves my "How do I suspend a mirror in front of a window" problem. I am a little worried that the mirror may be too small since my window is 43" across, so I'll see if I can't find a bigger one. If I decide to stick with the 15" mirror I might end up adding some hanging terrariums to fill some empty space.

It'll either be terrariums or some slender wood cutouts if I can find some I like. Thoughts?

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