Since winter is blowing in a decent amount of snow now (more to come on Saturday), I've been getting a really weird "nesting" itch. And no it's definitely not a pregnancy scare, this is a legitimate need to furnish my empty apartment.
Notice the horrible quality of my old iphone
Check out that amazing wall of windows! They even go above the gas fireplace that turns on with a light switch! And Zoey is really loving the open, furniture-less space.
I wonder how hard (and expensive) it would be to change out that odd light fixture. I definitely need to invest in a ladder to pull that light down when we get a kitchen table though.
This kitchen - though it is small and has some weird corners and small drawers - is such an amazing upgrade from our previous apartment in Texas. For one, you can fit more than one person in it without being elbowed or bumped into every 5 seconds, and secondly, you can see into it! That huge window in the dinning room is so awesome. Most days I don't even have to turn on a light to cook. Now that is a real luxury.
That little step by the front door is Zoey's overly-used timeout spot. She has a fiendish addiction to getting into the trash bags. Luckily I finally bought a cheap trash can to tide us over! Also notice how the front of our apartment, including our bedroom, is underground yet still has a huge window. Being half-way underground means the apartment keeps it's temperature better, which makes up for our high electric bills that the 9ft ceilings bring about.
Unfortunately I did not get a picture of our blow-up mattress that we slept on for weeks, nor did I get a picture of our walk-in closet or bathroom, but you aren't missing out on much. I will say we lucked out and can both fit our clothes in the huge closet, and our bathroom will be pretty hard adding extra storage into it since it has a dozen weird angles. But I finally got tired of sleeping on the air-mattress right around Mark's birthday.
Our first meal in our apartment: Llano Estacado wine and pizza (on top of Zoey's food bin for a table as we sat on the floor), and "Marq's" birthday cake I surprised him with from Azucar Bakery.
I was very lucky to have such awesome parents. They bought me an entire bedroom set for my graduation present! We're finally sleeping in a real bed again!
That comforter has been Mark's since high school!!!
Zoey; blending into her new surroundings
Oh don't worry, those cords aren't hanging all over the place anymore
And there you have it, folks! Our new and utterly empty first Colorado apartment!